Take some time to think about your topic. Now write down what you know about
learning is all about asking the right questions! It is a constructivist
pedagogy designed to assist students to build information literacies. Inquiry
learning can be seen on a continuum from structured or highly teacher led inquiry
to open or highly student directed inquiry at the other end of the continuum.
All inquiry learning has the same basic tenets; it starts with a question, then
moves into information seeking and ends with a way to “spread the word”. There
are a number of different Inquiry learning models but not all models allow
equivalent levels of student learning.
2. How interested are you in this
topic? Check (ü) one box that best
matches your interest.
Not at all ☐
not much ☐ quite a bit ☐
a great deal ☐
3. How much do you know about this
topic? Check (ü) one box that best
matches how much you know.
Nothing ☐ not
much ☐ quite a bit ☐ a great deal ☐
4. Thinking back on your research
project, what did you find easiest to do? Please mention as many things as you
I found it easy to locate
information once I’d learnt about search strings and different databases.
Eventually everything became easy to do (with practise). Blogging, posting
video to YouTube, graphing, sentence structure/phrasing etc.
5. Thinking back on your research
project, what did you find most difficult to do? Please mention as many things
as you like.
It was hard to get the formatting
on the blog page right when I copied and pasted from Word. In fact it was
impossible, so that is something I’ll never do again! Deciding which category
the students’ statements belonged in was also pretty difficult. The first time
I tried doing anything it was hard, but everything became easier with practise.
I suppose the hardest thing for me was making sure I got the work in on time!
6. What did you learn in doing this
research project?
How to obtain information quickly
and efficiently, from books and various internet sources. How to create graphs
on Excel. How to use Snagit and PowerPoint. How to narrate to a Point Point
presentation. How to upload videos to You Tube. How to determine whether
information is accurate and valid. How to identify the appropriate parts of the
masses of information at hand and phrase it sensibly in my blog posts. How to
organise information so that it flowed sensibly and logically. How to create a
fairly interesting blog site. That producing a large body of work is a good
idea....but that I need to do it early enough to review the work later because
mistakes can only be picked up by “fresh” eyes, preferably someone else’s!
How do you now feel about your research? Check (ü) one box that best
matches how you feel.
Unhappy – I don’t feel
confident with how it turned out ☐
Confused – I don’t really know what I was looking for ☐
Confident – I think it turned out OK ☐
Happy – I’m really happy with how it turned out ☐
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