Friday, 2 November 2012

Information synthesis

Literature explaining the origins, purposes and application of Guided Inquiry abounds.  The following essay is a short synthesis of some of this literature as it pertains to my inquiry learning activity (ILA) for middle school students in the subject Social Studies in Society (SOSE).

Kuhlthau, Caspari & Maniotes (2007) explain how Guided Inquiry (GI) is grounded in the constructivist approach based on the major educational theorists and researchers Dewey, Brunes, Kelly, Vygotsky and Piaget.  These theorists emphasise the significant role that emotions often play in learning experiences.  During GI-based learning the teacher facilitates and guides students to their own understandings. Kuhlthau (2007) emphasises that for people to survive and thrive in the 21st century they need to become discerning lifelong learners that can negotiate their way around abundant, constantly changing information. Guided inquiry assists students in this skill development.

The importance of delivering GI units correctly is paramount.  Most teachers need to learn to teach in ways that they did not learn themselves (McLaughlin (1997)in (Hargreaves, 2000). Realising the inherent advantages of Inquiry didactic methods the temptation remains to “teach to the test”, citing pressures from leadership to improve NAPLAN or other standardised test scores as the cause (Blanchard et al (2010). This attitude to learning and teaching is counterintuitive to inquiry methods and produces regurgitation of facts that are quickly forgotten (Blanchard et al (2010). Duffy and Raymer (2010) warn against the many pitfalls that can be encountered when the inquiry process is incorrectly delivered. 

Inquiry learning can be seen on a continuum from level 0 (teacher directed) to level 4 (open inquiry) Blanchard et al (2010). Guided inquiry with fairly extensive scaffolding is recommended by many authors including Harrington (2010) and Blanchard et al (2010). Harrington recommends “guiding without being meddlesome” and cautions that middle school students are at an age where they need independence.  She shows how using creativity and role playing can help them develop information literacy and problem solving skills (Harrington, 2010). 

Abilock emphasises developing ethical researchers who are information literate and who acknowledge the work of others, providing a number of strategies (Abilock, 2009). This requirement of information literacy (IL) is also stressed by Lupton & Bruce (2010) in their GeST model where IL is taught by practising search strategies, internet skills, ICT skills and referencing. Coffman (2009) explains how GI helps students become information literate when they are actively involved in inquiry activities during problem solving. 

GI methods connect the student’s world to the curriculum using many different resources. Books, the internet, teachers, librarians, colleagues, parents and other members of the community help students see the object of their learning from a number of different viewpoints (Nayler, 2005).

 GI methods help students develop tenacity through reflection. The more they encounter the cycles of doubt, frustration, optimism and elation that are commonly felt during research tasks, the more they will develop the resilience necessary to persevere during periods of frustration (Kuhlthau, 2007). Questioning what went well and how to do things differently next time guides students to discover facts and develop higher order thinking (Kuhlthau, 2007). Coffman (2009) describes inquiry learning as a cyclical process of questioning and hypothesising. Central to this process is reflection as well as feedback from the teacher.

Coffman stresses creating both extrinsic and intrinsic motivation in students. To develop critical thinking and good inquiry activities teachers should develop activities that provide students with opportunities to apply, analyse, synthesise and evaluate important concepts and themes (Coffman (2009). She advocates a project structure before beginning the inquiry saying that good planning begins with an idea that aligns with the instructional standard (Coffman, 2009). The process of lesson planning and implementation is as important as the final result and should not be overlooked according to Lattimer & Riordan (2011) as well as Duffy & Raymer (2010).  Harrington (2006) recommends role play to help develop the extrinsic and intrinsic motivation required by students during inquiry learning projects.  

The Queensland Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Framework (QCAR) espouse many ideals of Inquiry learning for Studies of Society & Environment (SOSE) in “Ways ofWorking”. These range from identifying a research focus and designing questions, to planning investigations, analysing data, supporting conclusions and communicating findings. Nayler (2007) agrees with these ideals stressing participation, reflection, creation and actively constructing meaning using questions and a socially critical approach. She emphasises the need for students to ask strategic questions and provides many examples, as does Coffman (2009). The QCAR directive for SOSE students is to understand the importance of inquiry and major social and environmental ideas for investigating issues in contexts that range from local to global settings. (QCAR QSA 2007). 

A selection of the literature advocating inquiry methods has been reviewed for the purpose of developing a SOSE unit on the “Ecological footprint” for middle year students. The construction of deep levels of understanding, knowledge and perseverance are essential to any student. Using thought provoking, carefully structured inquiry based lessons will assist students to develop the qualities needed by the 21st century learner. 


Abilock, D. (2009) Guiding the gifted to honest work. Knowledge Quest, 37, 12-15.
Blanchard, M. R., Southerland, S. A., Osborne, J. W., Sampson, V. D., Annetta, L. A., & Granger, E. M. (2010). Is inquiry possible in light of accountability?: A quantitative comparison of the relative effectiveness of guided inquiry and verification laboratory instruction. Science Education, 94(4), 577-616.
 Coffman, T. (2009). Engaging Students through Inquiry-Oriented Learning and Technology. Maryland: R&L Education
Duffy, T.M & Raymer, P.L. (2010) A practical guide and a constructivist rationale for inquiry based learning.  Educational Technology, 50(4) 3-15.
Harrington, L. (2006). Guided Research in Middle School: Mystery in the Media Centre. Santa Barbara: Linworth.
Hernandez-Ramos, P., De La Paz, S. (2009) Learning History in Middle School by Designing Multimedia in a Project-Based Learning Experience. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 42(2), 151-173
Kuhlthau, C.C. , Maniotes, L.K. & Caspari, A.K. (2007). Guided Inquiry: Learning in the 21st century. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited.
Kuhlthau, C. C., & Maniotes, L. K. (2010). Building Guided Inquiry Teams for 21st-Century Learners. School Library Monthly,  26(5) 18-21.
Lattimer, H., Riordan, R.  (2011) Project-based learning engages students in meaningful work. Middle School Journal, 43(2), 18-23
Lupton, Mandy & Bruce, Christine S. (2010) Windows on information literacy worlds: generic, situated and transformative perspectives. In Practising Information Literacy: Bringing Theories of Learning, Practice and Information Literacy Together. Centre for Information Studies, Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, N.S.W., pp. 4-27.
Nayler, J. (2005). Inquiry Approaches in Secondary Studies of Society and Environment Key Learning Area. Occasional paper prepared for Queensland School Curriculum Council.


  1. Congratulations Jane on your Blog. The wait has been worthwhile. You have put a lot of effort and thought into your experiences.

    Your Annotated Bibliography offers a great reference list for the teachers new to inquiry learning. I have certainly taken on board some of the references for future use. You have also completed a thorough Search for your topic and your explanations are clear.

    I enjoyed your reflection on the comparison between Kuhlthau’s ISP Model and your own experiences. The model and your experience really highlight the ups and downs that a student undergoes while conducting an inquiry learning activity.

    It is unfortunate, that all great plans can come unstuck as other issues rise, such as finding that class/teacher who are willing to let an unknown teacher enter the classroom. However, we all know how busy teachers are and it probably feels like added pressure to them to have another teacher come into their classroom.

    You mentioned in your Information Synthesis “Duffy and Raymer warn against the many pitfalls that can be encountered when inquiry process is incorrectly delivered.” This hit a spot with me as I can personally relate to this and my ILA is a good example of the many pitfalls! However, it was a very enlightening activity to do, as I am sure you will find out in Stage 2.

    A couple of important points I took away from my ILA (and I hope it will assist you in Stage 2), is firstly, explain to the students what is required of the surveys and check for understanding and do not to rush them. Also check for clarification if you are unsure of a response you get. I am sure that you have all this under control and I guess there is a difference between Primary and Secondary students when it comes to explaining surveys! I wish you all the best as you embark on your ILA. Once again, it’s a great Blog.

    1. Thank you Kerrie!

      I am delighted that some of the references in my annotated bibliography will be useful to you in your future career.

      I agree, the ups and downs experienced during an ISP can be quite "trying", but I can't think of a better way to build Information Literacy!

      Thank you for all the advice on what to look for as I head into "Stage 2". I really appreciated the insights that you expressed about this stage both here and in your blog and will be referring to it many times during the next few weeks. I have already noticed a couple of comments needing clarification from the students and wish that I could go back in time and follow some of the strategies that Ryan employed before embarking on his ILA!

      Once again, thank you for your feedback and kind comments. All the best for your future TL career!

  2. I have to agree with Kerrie, Jane your blog is fantastic. It is concisely written, yet entertaining and visually appealing. The photographs and images support the written text well.

    It struck a chord with me was when you highlighted that teachers have to learn a way that they didn't learn themselves. I think this is a big issue in following an inquiry based pedagogy, not many teachers are taught how to teach students how to seek information. I have found that teachers are more likely to create "fact sheets" for students rather than to teach them how to search for and critically question information. They do not encourage higher level thinking.

    Another point that I noted was that the more times students encounter cycles of doubt, frustration, optimism and elation - the more they will develop resilience to persevere. I fully agree with this statement and find comfort in knowing that the feelings of doubt and frustration are normal emotions to feel while going through a challenging research task.

    In regards to the questionnaires,I also found that students were unclear as to what "topic" and "research" referred to on their questionnaires. They were confused between their focus question that they individually researched and the topic on the unit. My class did not have any support from the TL and I am interested in reading about how the classroom teacher and TL collaborated during your ILA. :)

  3. Thank you so much for your kind comments and observations Rachael. I've been having so much fun trying to find the right photos and images to support the written word in this blog and must sincerely thank all those talented photographers and other artists out there!

    I agree that learning how to teach in a way you were not taught yourself is a skill that needs careful and constant honing in order to carefully develop the craft.

    The constant cycle of questioning yourself, almost giving up and then sheer joy at the realisation that you've mastered another seemingly insurmountable object becomes almost addictive after a while!

    I see all three of us have experienced confusion due to questionnaires being misunderstood and that we are all undergoing quite a large learning curve because of that. Questionnaire 3 is due to be completed by my students in 10 days time, so I hope to have the rest of my research completed just before Christmas. (I think you're in the same boat?)

    Once again, thanks for your feedback. Its such a relief to hear I'm headed in the right direction!
